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Why We Love Hostels (And You Should, Too!)

Prejudice against sleeping in hostels still exists; we all know that. But there are many reasons to love hostels!

Picture of Marcia Abramovich

Marcia Abramovich

Former Community Manager

Image for Blog Post: Why We Love Hostels (And You Should, Too!)

Prejudice against sleeping in hostels still exists; we all know that.

Some people think that only budget travelers with not enough money for a hotel stay at hostels or that hostels are places full of teenagers, noise and music. Moreover, many assume that if one goes to a hostel, they must share rooms and toilets. Another misconception about hostels is that they are dirty and unattended buildings.

But we have something to say to all these people: they are wrong! We've already told you why we'd stay at a hostel rather than a hotel, but there's one more reason: we love hostels!

And here are more reasons why we love them…

Because of the hostel culture and atmosphere

Hostel guests, apart from being happy because they are on holiday, also enjoy sharing experiences with other travelers in common places. Backpackers enjoy and encourage a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. People who sleep in hostels are willing to share stories, moments and information with other backpackers.

Because you can meet lots of people

As we were saying, most hostels guests are excited about meeting people from all over the world and exchanging experiences. The fact that hostels are generally full of common spaces, the kitchen is a meeting place, and tours and night-outs are frequently organized, makes hostels a unique and special lodging option for travelers.

Because you can have an alternative view of the city you are visiting
Frequent travelers know that tourist brochures only show limited highlights of what a destination has to offer. So being in contact with other travelers and listening to their stories and advice allows you to see the city from many different perspectives.

Because it allows you to have another vision of the city you are visiting

Those frequent travelers will know that what appears in tourist brochures is only a part of what the cities have to show. Therefore, being in contact with other travelers will allow you to get to know the city in a different way, listening to the experiences and advice of those who have already been there.

Because hostels are funnier than hotels

Being bored in a hostel is rarely an option. Sharing moments, sleeping in the same room as people from different cultures, having dinner with lots of new people, or organizing a night-out are some of the things you can experience at a hostel. This frequently leads to memorable experiences and funny moments.
On the other hand, you are very unlikely to make new friends in a hotel.

Because hostels are generally cheaper

Don't confuse cheaper with bad service, but rates per night at a hostel are lower than those of a hotel.

So sleeping in a hostel will allow you to save money and extend your trip. But most of all, it will allow you to meet people from all over the world. And after all, this is for us the most rewarding aspect of traveling :)

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