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Booking engine: Get to know all its power!

A booking engine is the best option to capture direct reservations. If you want to know why, this post is for you!

Picture of Luisina Cimatti

Luisina Cimatti

Former Research/Content Creator

Image for Blog Post: Booking engine: Get to know all its power!

No doubt many of your bookings are direct: they call you or send you a WhatsApp and make a reservation. But why is this happening when there are major OTAs that offer to book through their websites? I am talking about sites like, Hostelworld, Expedia, AirBnB and others.

Why doesn't a potential guest always use an OTA to book?

Let's think about this together! What could a potential guest want and value that would make them prefer to book directly rather than through an OTA?

I want to book now...

Travellers often don't look for accommodation on OTAs, but search directly on Google for 'accommodation/hostel/hostel in...' or look for recommendations from other travellers. When this happens, they may come to you directly through your website, Instagram account or Facebook page.

This is prime time for a WhatsApp contact number, the most common and fastest way to communicate these days. The guest who searches directly for your accommodation, sees your website, likes it and contacts you wants to book now, without intermediaries.

... but I also want to feel safe...

Speed is not everything. Every traveller wants to feel secure about their booking, to avoid future complications, so trust is key.

Cutting out the middleman means you can build a relationship with your guests. When communication between you and your guests is direct and efficient, trust between you will increase. A confident and satisfied guest will be loyal to your accommodation and will not hesitate to recommend you! Those guests are your best advertisement :)

Now that we have speed and security, what about prices?

... and I want to pay less!

We know that the rates published by hostels are lower than those on OTAs. Why is that? Because of the high commissions charged by the OTAs.

Through direct reservations, you avoid these OTA commissions, which means you don't have to add these percentages to the price of the rate, so you get lower, more attractive prices.

A booking engine, it has it all :)

It's true!

You can offer speed, security and low prices if you have a booking engine for your accommodation, whether on your website or Facebook page. Don't believe me? Let's take it point by point:

  • Speed: You can integrate it into your website and/or Facebook page. You can even send the link via WhatsApp for the guest to make a reservation.

  • Security: Think not only about the confidence that the traveller can have in booking through the engine, but also that payments and guest information are protected. Just like an OTA, but cheaper!

  • Low rates: If you avoid the high commissions charged by OTAs, you do not have to add them to the rates, making them lower and more attractive.

And more!

If your booking engine is integrated with your PMS (Property Management System), you will always have your availability and rates up updated. In addition, you can set up your rooms with their photos and descriptions.

To conclude

Direct bookings are common, and have advantages over bookings coming from OTAs. A traveller who wants to book directly with you is looking for speed, security and lower prices.

With a booking engine, you can manage these direct bookings more efficiently by integrating them into your PMS, with all the benefits that this generates

Do you already have a booking engine for your hostel?

Photo by Aaron Huber at Unsplash.

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